Portraits of “Most Beautiful Chickens on the Planet” Capture Their Underrated Beauty

Tranchellini first became aware of how chic a chicken could be in 2013 while in search of a pet Concincina for his studio garden in Milan. After meeting a farmer named Giorgio who invited him to an aviary exhibition, he fell in love with the beautiful birds and met his Concincina hen, Jessicah. Teaming up with fellow photographer Monti, the pair then began shooting various honorable hens and remarkable roosters at bird shows. “We felt like chickens had been waiting for their moment in the spotlight,” the duo explain on their Kickstarter campaign.
And for concerned animal lovers, the photographers reassure: “None of these beauties were harmed, forced, or leashed.” The collection of “natural born posers” showcases the surprising diversity of chickens. The magnificent models include Martha, the Frizzle Bantam, who shakes her copper-colored plumage at the camera. Another stand-out star is a fabulously fluffy Silkie chicken named Agnes. When recalling their time on shoot, the pair reveal, “They were just themselves and had a natural ability to move in front of the camera. Some of them were photographed from the side, from behind, or with only a glance over the shoulder. A NATURAL TALENT.”
Monti and Tranchellini are currently running a campaign on Kickstarter, where you can pre-order Chicken: The Book, featuring “the sexiest and most beautiful chickens on the planet.” Other pledger rewards include limited edition fine art prints, hilarious posters, chicken postcards, collectible journals, and “a sexy calendar for adults only.”
Italian photographers Moreno Monti and Matteo Tranchellini believe chickens are underrated, and so began the Chic!ken project to show the world how beautiful these farm birds really are.
The “natural born posers” include some of the most honorable hens and remarkable roosters in the world.
With over 200 stunning chicken portraits, the pair decided to combine the collection into a hardback photobook.
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