30th December 2024
In the Spotlight

Brooding might have evolved late in modern birds

by Editor in Birds 0

Birds that lived at the time of the dinosaurs might have been too heavy to sit on clutches of eggs without breaking them, according to an analysis of primitive avian fossils. The findings suggest that [...]



Nanostructure of eggshell

How is it that fertilized chicken eggs manage to resist fracture from the outside, while at the same time, are weak enough to break from the inside during chick hatching? It’s all in the eggshell’s […]


An Unusual Ritual of Chimpanzee

A group of archaeologists report in Scientific Reports that chimpanzees habitually bang and throw rocks against trees, or toss them into tree cavities, resulting in conspicuous stone accumulations at these sites. This represents the first record of […]


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