28th April 2024
In the Spotlight

Farm Microbes Can Safeguard Children from Asthma

by Editor in Pets 0

Children who grow up on farms have a lower risk of developing asthma, and now research published in Nature Medicine, DOI: 10.1038/s41591-019-0469-4 shows that may be due to microbes that can also be found in urban and [...]
Animal Diseases

Antiviral Nasal RNA Spray

Designer RNA molecules delivered through the nose show early promise for treating West Nile fever, trials in mice show. No effective therapies exist for the illness caused by a mosquito-borne virus, which can invade the […]

Animal Diseases

Antiviral Nasal RNA Spray

Designer RNA molecules delivered through the nose show early promise for treating West Nile fever, trials in mice show. No effective therapies exist for the illness caused by a mosquito-borne virus, which can invade the […]



Is Solenodon going extinct?

Photo: JOEL SARTORE/NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PHOTO ARK Owing to a potential of disappearance ofHispaniola Solenodon from the globe, scientists are trying to preserve the genome to secure its existence.   A study recently published in Biorxiv, […]


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