27th July 2024
In the Spotlight

Brooding might have evolved late in modern birds

by Editor in Birds 0

Birds that lived at the time of the dinosaurs might have been too heavy to sit on clutches of eggs without breaking them, according to an analysis of primitive avian fossils. The findings suggest that [...]
Animal Diseases

Antiviral Nasal RNA Spray

Designer RNA molecules delivered through the nose show early promise for treating West Nile fever, trials in mice show. No effective therapies exist for the illness caused by a mosquito-borne virus, which can invade the […]

Animal Diseases

Antiviral Nasal RNA Spray

Designer RNA molecules delivered through the nose show early promise for treating West Nile fever, trials in mice show. No effective therapies exist for the illness caused by a mosquito-borne virus, which can invade the […]



Mystery of Woodpeckers Brains?

While a woodpecker smacks its head against wood 54 million times in its lifetime, now researchers are trying to solve the mystery of preserved brain which acts and display mysteriously. Read more at: George Farah, […]


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