Puppies are cute until they weaned!!!
Puppies are cute, no doubt on that. However, until when they stay cute is matter of debate. Now evidences shown that puppies when start weaning and are getting away from mom, is the time when […]
Puppies are cute, no doubt on that. However, until when they stay cute is matter of debate. Now evidences shown that puppies when start weaning and are getting away from mom, is the time when […]
Birds are clear in many ways including building nests close to larger birds nests to safeguard them from predator etc. Now a research conducted by researchers from University of Chicago and University of Nebraska shown […]
Cowbirds are famous to lay their eggs in other birds nest and surrogating them to be hatched and taken care off. It remained elusive how cow birds manage this approach. Recent research in Behavioral Ecology proposes that […]
Here are the animals/creatures of America: Other mammals (cows, horses, raccoons and the like)—36 percent Hornets, wasps, and bees—30 percent Dog—17 percent Venomous spiders—3 percent Venomous snakes and lizards—3 percent Centipedes and venomous millipedes—0 percent […]
While the loyalty of dogs to human is in undoubtable, now using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) researchers have shown that dogs process emotions same as human do further highlighting the social behaviour of dogs and creating […]
Contrary to previous observations and thought, researchers from University of Sydney demonstrated in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that eating even 12 eggs per weeks don’t cause any risk of cardiovascular risks. More at: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180507074212.htm?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
Generally, seasons are well co-ordinated between tree buds, caterpillar’s food and birds hunting. However, a recent study conducted by Burgess and colleagues in Nature Ecology and Evolution, state that due to changed weather such as […]
Using a newly identified and strange mean, manakins have been seen impressing their mates. This behaviour is impressive as well as novel societal way of livelihood. A comprehensive article cover the story.
Paleontologists have been trying to solve the puzzle on the evolutionary lost of teeth and acquired break instead. Now a study published in Nature, put together pieces of previous new studies to further shed lights. […]
It has been proposed that birds spread fungi to new environment and in return fungi help woodpeckers to soften the tree which help them to dig in easier. An interesting story is shared at: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/seriouslyscience/2018/03/02/flashback-friday-woodpeckers-use-wood-eating-fungus-to-make-their-pecking-easier/#.Wu3tpRIrKu4
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